Explore Explain is a long-form podcast and video series hosted by Andy Kirk that goes deep into the behind-the-scenes stories of data visualisation projects and related works.

Each episode is structured around a conversation with visualisation designers, developers, or data journalists to explore the design story behind a single visualisation piece or a related major project. Guests explain the thought-process behind and share insights about the myriad little decisions that underpin the finished works they produce.

Audiences will gain an appreciation of the what, the why and the how, learning about the hidden problems and challenges, the breakthroughs and the eureka moments. You’ll learn about the things that were done and the things that were not done, the pressures and frustrations as well as successes and failures.

Each season comprises nine episodes and always seeks to include guests representing a diverse cast of talented practitioners from across the field and around the world, showcasing a wide variety of different types of visualisation work. Now into Season 4, there’s already a great collection of conversations with some of the best talents in the business.

Typically, each episode runs for around 50-60 minutes, which provides sufficient space for the necessary depth of discussion about the intricacies of the works being explored. Episodes are published in audio format as well as videos enhanced with accompanying relevant visuals showcasing the final work, and the work behind the final work. Data visualisation lends itself to a video-based treatment so viewers can see what is being described but it remains important for these conversations to be co-published in audio format that can be consumed in a more ambient way.

Details of each new episode will be published on the posts feed and added to the ‘Seasons’ collections compiled on this page. For the latest updates about new episodes and future schedules, follow the twitter feed @Explore_Explain

All episodes from Season 2 onwards are edited and produced by Bethany Andrew. All episodes from Season 1 were edited and produced by Matt Knott.

Use the navigation links to browse through the collections of season episodes below.

Season 1

This is the collection of full-length episodes from season one. Click on a tile to visit each episode’s post, including direct links to the relevant audio podcasts and episode videos, as well as resources/references mentioned during each episode.

Season 2

This is the collection of full-length episodes from season two. Click on a tile to visit each episode’s post, including direct links to the relevant audio podcasts and episode videos, as well as resources/references mentioned during each episode.

Season 5

This is the collection of full-length episodes from the current season five. Click on a tile to visit each episode’s post, including direct links to the relevant audio podcasts and episode videos, as well as resources/references mentioned during each episode.

Season 6

This is the collection of full-length episodes from the current season six. Click on a tile to visit each episode’s post, including direct links to the relevant audio podcasts and episode videos, as well as resources/references mentioned during each episode.

How to Watch & Listen

All episode videos are published on the ‘Explore Explain’ Youtube channel, with playlist helping you to find the seasons, the topics, or the guests you want to watch.

Within a few days of each video being published, subtitles (in English) will be manually added to assist viewers with hearing impairments or to help those who wish to read the transcript. 

You can choose to subscribe for future updates by selecting the relevant subscription button. 

All episodes are also published as audio podcasts and are released across all common podcasting platforms.

You will find all episodes listed in the respective directories of these platforms through a simple search for ‘Explore Explain’ or by manually entering – or copying/pasting – this url to set up a subscription,

You can listen to each episode using the links embedded within each episode’s post, via the main podcast player embedded below, or you can visit the dedicated Explore Explain podcast page hosted on the platform.