![Part of a panel at the Digital Sport North meetup event in Leeds, February 2023 [photo credit: Sarah O'Neill]](

This is a list of all the in-person talks I have given, whether at conference events, meet-ups, or when visiting organisations:
- 3rd July 2024: Gave a keynote at the London Data Week event ‘Data Storytelling: Shaping our work, life and our city’, the livestream recording is now available
- 12th March 2024: Gave a keynote at the Procter & Gamble UK IT conference in Leeds
- 22nd November 2023: Session moderator on day one of the Information+ conference in Edinburgh
- 3rd October 2023: Gave an in-person guest lecture to Information Design students at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
- 4th May 2023: Hosted a live episode of ‘Explore Explain’ on-stage at the Outlier conference in Porto
- 22nd February 2023: Took part in a panel discussion at the ‘Digital Sport North’ meet-up event in Leeds
- 8th February 2023: Gave a talk to members and guests of the UCL Data Viz Society, in London
- 29th November 2022: Presented at the ‘VizIt London’ conference, at Tableau HQ in London
- 25th February 2020: Presented at the ‘Data Viz Live’ conference in London
- 29th November 2019: Gave a lunch time talk at ABN AMRO in Amsterdam
- 15th November 2019: Spoke at the BIG2019 conference in Olso
- 14th November 2019: Spoke at the INDVIL conference in Olso
- 10th October 2019: Gave a guest lecture at the Lloyds of London data lab
- 10th October 2019: Delivered a talk to colleagues at an analytics away-day for Expedia/ staff in London
- 30th September 2019: Gave a talk at the North West TUG in Manchester
- 20th September 2019: Spoke at the Encode conference in London
- 29th July 2019: Presented at the NUX Leeds meetup
- 20th June 2019: Gave a talk to members of the British Computer Society (BCS) in London
- 2nd May 2019: Took part in the live data viz debate event as part of the London TUG
- 14th February 2019: Gave a talk to researchers and students at the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds
- 11th December 2018: Gave a guest lecture at the Lloyds of London data lab
- 16th October 2018: Presented at the first Yorkshire Tableau User Group meetup
- 28th February 2018: Gave a talk to post-doc researchers at Imperial College
- 9th January 2018: Gave a talk at the MancDB meetup in Manchester
- 23rd November 2017: Gave a talk at the Hacks/Hackers meetup in Brisbane
- 19th July 2017: Gave a talk to staff at’s Leeds HQ
- 15th May 2017: Gave a talk at Sage’s annual staff meeting in their London HQ
- 23rd March 2017: Gave a talk to staff and students at the University of Edinburgh Business School
- 23rd March 2017: Spoke at the DataFest 2017 Summit in Edinburgh
- 8th February 2017: Gave a talk for staff and students at The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL) in London
- 7th February 2017: Spoke at the London Business Analytics Group
- 7th September 2017: Gave a talk at Lloyds of London
- 16th June 2016: Gave a talk at the Information+ Conference in Vancouver
- 14th June 2016: Presented at the Vancouver Data Visualisation Meetup
- 9th June 2016: Gave a talk to colleagues at Oxford Policy Management (OPML)
- 7th June 2016: Spoke at the Market Insight Forum in London
- 23rd May 2016: Spoke at the London Tableau User Group meeting
- 20th April 2016: Gave a talk at the ICNARC Case Mix Programme conference in London
- 22nd March 2016: Gave a talk at the ‘Making Informed Decisions with Big Data‘ event being held @3MBIC in Huddersfield
- 10th February 2016: Gave a talk at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in Warrington as part of the ‘Techtalk’ series of lectures
- 24th November 2015: Gave a talk at UK Parliament
- 10th November 2015: Spoke at the ‘What Can Data Visualisation Do’ event at the University of Sheffield
- 30th July 2015: Spoke at the Melbourne Data Visualisation Meetup
- 5th June 2015: Gave a talk at Saggezza HQ, Chicago
- 20th March 2015: Gave a talk at the National Audit Office, London
- 3rd February 2015: Spoke at the PyData London Meetup
- 22nd January 2015: Gave a talk at the AztraZeneca Advance Analytics Centre (AAC) symposium in Alderley Park, Chester
- 15th January 2015: Did a recorded video interview with Alicia Sutton of ReachMD, during the ACEhp Annual Conference
- 15th January 2015: Spoke at the ACEhp Annual Conference in Dallas, TX. Here are the slides
- 22nd November 2014: Giving a talk at in London
- 23rd October 2014: Speaking at the Data Visualization Group in the Bay Area Meetup at the University of San Francisco
- 18th/19th September 2014: Spoke at ScienceComm in Switzerland
- 4th September 2014: Spoke at the ‘Visualize It!‘ event in Utrecht
- 6th August 2014: Spoke at the London Business Analytics Group
- 24th April 2014: Gave a talk at OpenVis Conference in Boston
- 27th March 2014: Gave a talk at the School of Computing, University of Dundee
- 19th March 2014: Speaker at the launch of the Dublinked Data Visualisation competition
- 6th February 2014: Speaker at the Higher Education Strategic Planners’ Association annual conference in Warwick
- 24th January 2014: Speaker at the Design of Understanding annual conference in London
- 5th December 2013: Speaker at the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) Issue Brief event in London
- 29th August 2013: Speaker at the INMA Conference in Oslo
- 16th May 2013: Speaker at the NYC Data Visualisation Meetup
- 8th May 2013: Speaker at an Information Design Association (IDA) event in London
- 25th April 2013: Speaker at the Big Data Week London event
- 15th/16th April 2013: Speaker at II-SDV 2013 Conference in Nice, France
- 21st March 2013: Keynote speaker at the Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operational Research annual seminar
- 26th/27th February 2013: Talk and workshop at the Dashboarding for Peak University Performance conference at the University of Nottingham
- 11th February 2013: Talk given at Tableau UK HQ in Richmond
- 17th January 2013: Talk and panel discussion at the Bank of England’s ‘The future of regulatory data and analytics‘ event
- 10th January 2013: Talk given to folks at Facebook HQ in San Francisco (slide deck)
- 8th January 2013: Talk at Seattle Datavis (SeaVis) Meetup (similar slide deck)
- 8th January 2013: Talk given to folks at Tableau HQ in Seattle
- 19th October 2012: Guest talk at the Big Dive EU event in Turin, Italy.
- 19th/20th September 2012: Speaker at the Big Data World, Europe conference, London
- 16th July 2012: Presentation at a Nuffield Foundation event, exploring visual navigation for STEM subjects.
- 14th June 2012: Speaker at the Chicago Data Visualisation Meetup
- 14th June 2012: IDEAS Talk for Orbitz at their Worldwide HQ in Chicago – watch a video of the talk
- 24th April 2012: Panel member for the Big Data Week, London community meetup
- 17th April 2012: Speaker at Big Data Con, Mainz, Germany
- 18th to 23rd March 2012: Judge and speaker at the Malofiej 20, Infographics World Summit and Awards
- 23rd February 2012: Visualisation seminar at the School of Computing, University of Leeds
- 12th November 2011: Speaking at the data visualisation marathon event, London
This is a list of all the virtual appearances and online talks I have given, delivering presentations as part of a stand-alone remote event or as part of a wider virtual conference:
- 21st November 2024: I gave a guest online talk about inspiration in data visualisation to staff from TenneT in the Netherlands and Germany
- 9th, 16th, & 30th September 2024: I returned for my annual series of guest lectures to Information Design students at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
- 21st August 2024: Gave a guest lecture to students at the National Institute of Design (NID), Bangalore, India
- 31st January and 1st February 2024: Gave talks to staff in the US/EMEA and APAC regions respectively as part of JP Morgan’s internal ‘Data Week 2024’ event
- 4th December 2023: Delivered a keynote talk and dataviz surgery for colleagues at the UK Government Office for Science (GO Science)
- 11th & 18th September 2023: Gave guest lectures to Information Design students at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
- 6th June 2023: Delivered a remote presentation for staff at Netlife, in Norway
- 29th April 2023: Delivered a remote keynote presentation for the AIIP 2023 Annual Conference held in Wisconsin, US
- 27th January 2023: Gave a guest lecture to Information Design students at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
- 1st December 2022: Gave a talk to the virtual APAC ‘Tableau Community Appreciation Event’
- 12th September & 3rd October 2022: Gave guest lectures to Information Design students at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
- 16th and 19th May 2022: Gave talks to staff in the US/EMEA and APAC regions respectively as part of JP Morgan’s internal ‘Data Week 2022’ event
- 10th March 2022: Presented a webinar for members of the ICAEW
- 4th February 2022: As part of Outlier Conference 2022 I gave a talk titled ‘The 2022 Data Viz Healthcheck: How’s it Going?’
- 4th February 2022: Also as part of Outlier Conference 2022 I took part in the ‘State of the Industry’ panel discussion
- 13th January 2022: Delivered a talk for a ‘virtual Seminar-Workshop on Data Visualization’ organised by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico, INEGI, and CIMAT
- 15th December 2021: Presented a webinar for Tableau
- 6th October 2021: Presented a webinar for members of the ICAEW
- 21st September & 5th October 2021: Gave guest lectures to Information Design students at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
- 23rd September 2021: Presented a webinar for Tableau
- 30th June 2021: Gave a speech to members of the data science community at the European Parliament
- 18th June 2021: Gave a talk hosted by CILIP
- 11th June 2021: Presented a webinar for colleagues at Deloitte (Netherlands)
- 10th May 2021: Gave talks to staff in the US/EMEA and APAC regions respectively as part of JP Morgan’s internal ‘Data Week 2021’ event
- 15th April 2021: Presented a webinar for members of the ICAEW
- 3rd March and 20th April 2021: Gave lectures to colleagues and wider members of the Swiss Data Science Center (EPFL and ETH Zurich)
- 1st March 2021: Gave a talk to colleagues at GSK
- 27th January and 16th February 2021: Gave talks to members of the Data Science Institute at Lancaster University
- 28th January 2021: Gave a talk at the Edinburgh online DataViz meetup
- 10th December 2020: Presented a webinar for Tableau
- 27th November 2020: Gave a talk about ‘Designing for your Audience’ for the S-H-O-W Conference
- 10th November 2020: Gave a talk at the ‘DataVizLive’ Conference
- 6th November 2020: Gave talks to staff in the US/EMEA and APAC regions respectively as part of JP Morgan’s internal ‘Data Week 2020’ event
- 5th November 2020: Took part in a live interview as part of the ‘PwC Influencer Summit’
- 5th October 2020: Gave a talk about data visualisation lessons from Covid-19 for IDIBABS
- 26th October 2020: Gave a talk to colleagues at Agnes Scott College
- 8th, 15th, & 22nd September 2020: Gave guest lectures to Information Design students at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
- 27th July 2020: Presented a webinar for members of the ICAEW
- 14th May 2020: Presented a webinar for Tableau
- 6th April 2020: Took part in judging an internal data visualisation challenge and speaking at an associated conference at EY.
- 15th January 2020: Took part in the recording of a ‘DataViz Debate’ for Tableau
- 23rd January 2020: Presented a Q&A webinar for members of the ICAEW
- 17th December 2019: Presented a webinar for Tableau, ‘The State of the Union’
- 24th October 2019: Presented a webinar for members of the ICAEW about ‘The 7 Hats of Visualisation Design’
- 4th April 2019: Presented a webinar for Tableau, ‘The Design of Time’
- 15th August 2018: Presented a webinar for Tableau, ‘The Little of Visualisation Design’
- 1st June 2018: Presented a webinar for Sage, ‘Data Visualisation: A Game of Decisions’
- 22nd March 2018: Presented a webinar for Tableau, ’50 Charts in 50 minutes’
- 9th November 2017: Took part in the 2017 ‘Data Debate‘ webinar hosted by Tableau
- 10th August 2017: Presented a webinar for Tableau, ‘The Design of Nothing: A 2017 Reboot’
- 4th April 2017: Presented a webinar for Tableau, ‘The Seven Hats of Visualisation Design: A 2017 Reboot’
- 8th December 2016: Participated in another special ‘Ask Andy Anything’ webinar hosted by Tableau
- 25th November 2016: Took part in the 2016 ‘Data Debate‘ webinar hosted by Tableau
- 11th August 2016: Presented a webinar for Bright Talk, ‘Separating Myths from Truth in Data Visualisation’
- 20th July 2016: Presented a webinar for Tableau, ‘Bringing Method to the Madness’
- 13th April 2016: Presented a webinar for Tableau, ‘Separating Myths from Truth in Data Visualisation’
- 30th November 2015: Conducted a special ‘Ask Andy Anything’ webinar hosted by Tableau
- 24th September 2015: Presented a webinar for Tableau
- 25th March 2015: Gave a webinar for Tableau
- 24th September 2014: Gave a webinar for Tableau Software
This is a list of all the appearances I’ve made on episodes of other organisations’ or peoples’ podcasts:
- 18th November 2024: I was a guest on The Chris Gill Podcast‘ podcast.
- 29th July 2024: I was a guest on Zach Bowder‘s weekly ‘Data + Love‘ podcast.
- 6th March 2024: I was a guest on ‘The Cost of Everything‘ podcast, hosted by Amritpal Agar, for which I was humbled to be appearing as his first video guest!
- 30th September 2022: I was a guest on the 143rd episode of the ‘Bletchley Park podcast’ to chat about my involvement in shaping a new temporary exhibition, ‘The Art of Data’.
- 2nd August 2022: Had a lovely time chatting with Alli Torban on episode #76 of her superb ‘Data Viz Today’ podcast as part of a mini-series about creativity
- 7th October 2021: Very happy to have been the first English guest on episode #16 of ‘Data Voorstellingen’ to chat with two of my dutch pals, Ben de Jong and Michel Dekker
- 24th March 2021: Invited to episode #66 of the ‘BI or Die’ podcast, to talk about the Data Viz process with hosts Kai-Uwe Stahl and Viktoria Hell.
- 29th June 2020: I had the pleasure of being invited to record a episode #32 of the ‘Storytelling With Data’ podcast with Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic.
- 15th January 2020: Recorded a live ‘Data Viz Debate’ video for Tableau
- 19th December 2019: Data Stories Episode #152: As part of the annual review for 2019, contributed a section regarding latest developments about data visualisation tools
- 7th November 2019: Had a video interview with Bill Shander for ‘LinkedIn Learning’ discussing ‘The Little of Visualisation Design’
- 25th July 2019: After the flood podcast Episode #1: Discussing the the current trends of data visualisation in sports: within the sport, about the sport
- 29th November 2018: Data Stories Episode #132: Discussing the latest generation of data visualisation tools
- 21st October 2018: Policy Viz Podcast Episode #137: Discussing our experiences in Potsdam of the Information+ Conference 2018
- 13th February 2018: Policy Viz Podcast Episode #114: Discussing our experiences at Facebook HQ of the Social Science Foo Camp
- 29th December 2017: Policy Viz Podcast Episode #108: Discussing new projects and trends in the field
- 27th February 2017: Data Stories Episode #92: Contributed to the tribute show dedicated to Hans Rosling
- 6th December 2016: Being Freelance Podcast: Discussing my experiences as a freelance professional
- 13th September 2016: Policy Viz Podcast Episode #56: Discussing the challenges of book writing
- 9th March 2016: Data Stories Episode #69: Reviewing the findings and implications of the Seeing Data visualisation literacy research
- 7th January 2016: Rad Presenters Podcast Episode #29: Discussing a range of topics relating to our roles as presenters/trainers
- 16th December 2015: Data Stories Episode #65: Reviewing the major trends and developments during 2015 and preview the main hopes and expectations for 2016
- 20th August 2015: Tableau Wanna Be Podcast Episode #31: Discussing some of the nevers and shouldn’ts of data visualisation
- 10th March 2015: Policy Viz Podcast: Discussing data visualisation literacy
- 22nd January 2015: Data Stories Episode #46: Reviewing the major trends and developments during 2014 and preview the main hopes and expectations for 2015
- 27th June 2014: Data Stories Episode #37: Discussing the teaching of data visualisation
- 6th May 2014: Nature Jobs Podcast: Discussing the teaching of data visualisation
- 25th January 2014: Data Stories Episode #31: Reviewing the major trends and developments during 2013 and preview the main hopes and expectations for 2014
- 7th January 2013: Data Stories Episode #16: Discussing our feelings on what was big in 2012 and our hopes and expectations for 2013
- 25th June 2012: Interview on Interviewed by Ben Jones about the state of data visualisation
- 24th April 2012: Data Stories Episode #5: Covering the subject of data visualisation training
- 30th March 2012: Data Stories Episode #4: Reflecting on Malofiej #20, discussing the judging process, detailing the conference talks and the week in general