BLOG POSTS was originally launched in 2010 originally to serve as a blog to help continue the momentum of my learning from studying the subject via a Masters degree. I continue to publish articles and share announcements that track developments in my professional experiences as well as developments in the data visualisation field at large.

This is a collection of all my published posts, starting with the newest and dating back to 2010, tracking. These posts include articles, design commentaries, podcast updates, professional updates, and general news from across the data visualisation field.

10 Significant Developments

10 significant visualisation developments: January to June 2015

To mark each mid-year and end of year milestone I try to take a reflective glance over the previous 6 months period in the data visualisation field and compile a collection of some of the most significant developments. These are the main projects, events, new sites, trends, personalities and general observations that have struck me as being important to help further the development of this field.

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Six questions with… Gregor Aisch

In order to sprinkle some star dust into the contents of my book I’ve been doing a few interviews with various professionals from data visualisation and related fields. These people span the spectrum of industries, backgrounds, roles and perspectives.

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Quick redesigns of BBC sport graphics

Yesterday I tweeted about a confusing graphic from a BBC article dispelling myths about last season’s Premier League. Its a good article with some really interesting content but some of the accompanying graphics hindered rather than enlightened the points being made.

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Best Ofs

Best of the visualisation web… June 2015

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from June 2015.

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Six questions with… Isabel Meirelles

In order to sprinkle some star dust into the contents of my book I’ve been doing a few interviews with various professionals from data visualisation and related fields. These people span the spectrum of industries, backgrounds, roles and perspectives.

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Six questions with… John Nelson

In order to sprinkle some star dust into the contents of my book I’ve been doing a few interviews with various professionals from data visualisation and related fields. These people span the spectrum of industries, backgrounds, roles and perspectives.

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Article: How people engage with data visualisations

On the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) website, Professor Helen Kennedy, the leader of our Seeing Data research project, has posted an article about ‘how people engage with data visualisations and why it matters’.

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Best Ofs

Best of the visualisation web… May 2015

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from May 2015.

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Six questions with… Kennedy Elliott

In order to sprinkle some star dust into the contents of my book I’ve been doing a few interviews with various professionals from data visualisation and related fields. These people span the spectrum of industries, backgrounds, roles and perspectives.

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Seeking input for book: Have struggles with data?

As visitors know, I’m in the key stages of book writing. I won’t bore you by repeating the background of that anymore.As you might anticipate, in a book about data visualisation, there is a chapter about data, describing the mechanics for gathering, familiarising with, preparing, analysing etc.

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Intermission time

As I’m reaching a critical stage with my book writing – a draft script is due shortly – I will be dropping off the radar

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Best Ofs

Best of the visualisation web… April 2015

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from April 2015.

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Creativity and science in data visualisation

When considering the trajectory and development of the data visualisation field I contemplate the dual role of the scientific and creative communities: I believe scientists tell us what we should do and creatives tell us what we could do.

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Determining the use of language: User? Reader?

As I am in the process of writing my book I find that the same challenges in the use of language crop up. The main one I have difficulty being consistent about is how to term the person who reads, uses, consumes etc. visualisation work. Especially, when I am constructing a sentence that really needs a singular catch-all label and not a multi-comma-separated list – that just makes it clumsy both to write and to read.

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Graphic embellishments that add value

A very quick post just to share this graphic from the WSJ that was published a couple of days ago. The reason for profiling it is simply because I think this is a great example of an infographic that includes worthwhile visual embellishments: useful chartjunk if we want to go there.

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Best Ofs

Best of the visualisation web… March 2015

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from March 2015.

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Stereotropes explores gender and ‘tropes’

Stereotropes is an interactive experiment, developed by the Data Visualisation team at Bocoup, which examines the use of a range of common tropes in TV and movies and how they reflect, shape or counter against gender stereotypes in society.

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Data is your raw material, not your ideas

Back in January I claimed that I would be hitting the new year with plans of more frequent smaller posts to offer ‘some practical tidbits most probably relating to quite narrow design considerations’. That lasted for about a week, so its certainly long overdue that I pick this back up.

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New resource: Understanding Data Visualisations

Regular readers will be somewhat aware of my involvement in a research project called ‘Seeing Data’, a 15 month study funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council and led by Professor Helen Kennedy from the University of Sheffield.

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Best Ofs

Best of the visualisation web… February 2015

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from February 2015.

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MapWheel: Visualise your treasured locations

MapWheel is a new product from Waypoint Ventures, a Sydney based start-up founded by Russell Bolden and Jesse Little, which offers the means to create a customised ‘toposcope’ plaque showing the exact direction and distance to treasured locations around the world relative to your specified ‘home’.

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Talk slides from Tableau 2015 webinar

It is always a privilege to be asked to give talks and this last week I’ve given two more at the National Audit Office as well as a webinar for Tableau. As many people like to have access to the slide content after each talk I don’t mind at all sharing them.

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Appeal! Send me any dodgy UK election graphics

As we enter the final few weeks before the UK General Election on Thursday 7th May, I would be really keen to shine a finger-pointing light on any party who put their names to any manipulative and deceptive visuals.

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Dear Data: Pen pals in a data age

A quick profile of Dear Data, a lovely ‘artisan visualisation’ concept from the brains and pens of Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec. It has had plenty of coverage on other sites and on social media this week but I wanted to briefly mention it for anybody else out there yet to come across it.

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When 3D works

Earlier this week TheUpshot published a new interactive project visualising the ‘Yield Curve’. Created by Gregor Aisch and Amanda Cox the work provides a “3-D view of a chart that predicts the economic future”.

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Announcing my 2015 public training schedule

It has taken a while to pull together but I’ve finally arrived at my final schedule of public data visualisation training events for the rest of 2015. For more information on the formats, types and coverage of each different event, visit the training page.

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