BLOG POSTS was originally launched in 2010 originally to serve as a blog to help continue the momentum of my learning from studying the subject via a Masters degree. I continue to publish articles and share announcements that track developments in my professional experiences as well as developments in the data visualisation field at large.

This is a collection of all my published posts, starting with the newest and dating back to 2010, tracking. These posts include articles, design commentaries, podcast updates, professional updates, and general news from across the data visualisation field.

Best Ofs

Best of the visualisation web… September 2012

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from September 2012.

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Ideology of the US Congress

In the build up to next week’s US presidential elections, there are naturally many visualisation and infographic projects being released. A couple of contrasting projects have caught my eye about the ideological breakdown of the US Congress.

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Field News

Check out ‘Parsons Journal for Information Mapping’

How many of you have heard of the Parsons Journal for Information Mapping (PJIM)? It’s a really good digital publication that comes out quarterly and covers data visualisation with articles on both the theoretical side as well as the practical, highlighting new developments, techniques and great projects from around the field.

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VisWeek updates by Jon Schwabish: Day 3

This is a guest post from Jon Schwabish, an economist and data visualization creator. You can reach him at [email protected] or by following him on Twitter @jschwabish. Many thanks to Job for his efforts to keep us poor folk who aren’t able to make it to this great flagship event.

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VisWeek updates by Jon Schwabish: Day 2

This is a guest post from Jon Schwabish, an economist and data visualization creator. You can reach him at [email protected] or by following him on Twitter @jschwabish. Many thanks to Job for his efforts to keep us poor folk who aren’t able to make it to this great flagship event.

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VisWeek updates by Jon Schwabish: Day 1

This is a guest post from Jon Schwabish, an economist and data visualization creator. You can reach him at [email protected] or by following him on Twitter @jschwabish. Many thanks to Job for his efforts to keep us poor folk who aren’t able to make it to this great flagship event.

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Best Ofs

Best of the visualisation web… August 2012

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the collection from August 2012.

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Live visualisation views of Hurricane Isaac

Given the attention on New Orleans and surrounding areas with respect to Hurricane Isaac, I’ve just taken a couple of quick screen recordings of Martin Wattenberg/Fernanda Viegas’ Hint FM ‘Wind Map’ and Stamen’s/TWC ‘Hurricane Tracker’ to show how things are developing down there.

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Tasty Tweets: Data representation through taste

Tasty Tweets is a data visualisation experiment that expands the usual encoding options beyond simple visuals. Developed by students at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, the project allows users to explore current twitter trends through taste.

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Weekly ‘Visual Data’ section in Corriere della Sera

Corriere della Sera is an Italian daily newspaper (broadsheet) and La Lettura is a cultural supplement published in the Sunday edition of the newspaper. The supplement is highly regarded and includes articles and works from the most famous Italian experts

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Best Ofs

Best of the visualisation web… July 2012 (part 2)

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s part two of the latest collection from July 2012.

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Best Ofs

Best of the visualisation web… July 2012 (part 1)

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s part one of the latest collection from July 2012

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The wonderful NYT series of Olympics graphics

This post is not really an article more of a pointer to go elsewhere. Unless you’ve been absent from the data visualisation and infographics scene over the past 10 days, you can’t have failed to have come across one of the many amazing graphics that have been produced by the New York Times during the course of the Olympics.

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‘Partly Cloudy’ weather app

Last month I profiled a project titled ‘Energy technologies visualisation for the IEA’. Well, the Raureif folks have been busy and have just this week launched a stunning new data visualisation design in the form of a weather app for the iPhone called ‘Partly Cloudy’.

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Interviewed for the SND website

I was recently interviewed by Kyle Ellis for the excellent Society of News Design (SND) website, to discuss data visualisation and the Olympics. Anyway, if you haven’t had quite enough of my thoughts and opinions of late, then do take a look!

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WSJ’s new project: ‘Political Moneyball’

The Wall Street Journal have tonight released a massive, immersive and ambitious data visualisation project entitled ‘Political Moneyball’, which visualises over a million records to reveal the networks and relationships that exist behind political contributions.

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Discussion: Is data visualisation gender blind?

Over the past few months its been hard to ignore the quantity of stories, incidents and awful mis-judgments that highlight a certain under-representation and sub-standard treatment of women amongst the science and technology sectors

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’emoto’: Visualising the emotional response to London 2012

The London 2012 Olympic Games is nearly upon us and, naturally, in the lead up to such a major sporting event that will generate incredible quantities of data and create fantastic opportunities for analysis, there are a number of interesting visualisation and infographic developments making their way around the field.

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Announcing my next data vis training locations

Back in May I invited people interested in my data visualisation training courses to register their preferred location with me so that I could start to design my next schedule of events based on where the main clusters of potential interest were. Here’s an intermediate update to give people a sense of how things are looking.

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