
Sightsmap provides interactive ‘sightseeing heatmap’

Just come across a really interesting interactive project from Estonian Professor, Tanel Tammet, called ‘Sightsmap‘ which overlays a heatmap onto a Google map platform allowing users to pan and zoom around the globe to see the locations where the most intensely photographed areas in the world. The heatmap is a representation of the number of available Panoramio photos for […]

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Google+ launches ‘Ripples’ visualisation

After what appears to be have been a rapid and widespread take-up of its Google+ social media service, Google has now launched details of its ‘Ripples’ feature. Significantly, news of the release was made by Fernanda Viegas, one of the most prominent names in the field and co-leader, with Martin Wattenberg, of Google’s “Big Picture” data visualization group.

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Google Analytics introduces ‘visitor flow’ visualisation

Yesterday, at the Web 2.0 Summit, Susan Wojcicki & Phil Mui unveiled the release of “Flow Visualization” in Google Analytics, which helps web site owners and analysts to enhance their understanding of visitor path and goal analysis – how visitors flow through your site’s pages and how this maps on to your intended goals. Many observers

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