Best of the visualisation web… November 2015

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from November 2015.


Includes static and interactive visualisation examples, infographics and galleries/collections of relevant imagery.

Washington Post | ‘Two Clintons. 41 years. $3 Billion.’

FiveThirtyEight | From 2014 but topical: ‘America’s Favorite ‘Star Wars’ Movies (And Least Favorite Characters)’

Grrr | ‘The magnificent bears of the glorious nation of Finland’

This is Colossal | ‘Art Meets Cartography: The 15,000-Year History of a River in Oregon Rendered in Data’

Guardian | ‘Can you identify the world cities from their ‘naked’ metro maps?’

FT | ‘What is at stake at the Paris climate change conference?’

Nature | ‘Connected World: Patterns of international collaboration captured by the nature index’

esri | ‘Election Pollocks’

Nature | ‘Global count reaches 3 trillion trees’

Road to Larissa | ‘Golden State’s 2015 Point Differentials’

Todd W. Schneider | ‘Analyzing 1.1 billion NYC taxi and Uber trips’

New York Times | ‘How Gun Traffickers Get Around State Gun Laws’

Jane Ro | ‘Look Development for IBM THINK Exhibition: Celebrating 100 years of IBM’

WTFViz | A timely reminder of the fantastically brilliant collection of awful that is WTFViz, here’s a particular ‘highlight’

FiveThirtyEight | ‘Mizzou’s Racial Gap Is Typical On College Campuses’

British Museum | ‘The Museum of the World’

Ross Learning System | ‘The Ross Spiral Curriculum is a literary narrative of the evolution of human consciousness.’

Washington Post | ‘Gauging a warming world’

Selfie City | The Selfie City project comes to London with an special update about London

YouTube | ‘Sniff: How do we breathe? How do we smell?’

Bloomberg | ‘The (James) Bond Index: From gadgets and tuxes to cocktails and quips’

vocativ | The first of two pieces looking at the ratings of books versus their movie equivalents – ‘Rejoice, Snobs: The Book IS Better Than The Movie’

FiveThirtyEight | …here’s the second from ‘The 20 Most Extreme Cases Of ‘The Book Was Better Than The Movie’’

Nesta | ‘The fight against antimicrobial resistance across Europe’

Guardian | ‘Mekong: a river rising’

FT | ‘The stain of doping on athletic’

South China Morning Post | ‘Three cities, one bridge’

Andrew Staroscik | ‘Three Days – 4,000 Years’

Tableau | ‘Variation in Hue across Movie Posters’

Atlas Obscura | ‘A walkable map of the world, made from soil and stone by one man’

National Geographic | ‘The New New York Skyline’

FT | ‘Where is the next generation in men’s tennis?’

Andy Woodruff | ‘Where to hate daylight saving time and where to love it’

FT | ‘Who are the best ever Formula One drivers?’


The emphasis on these items is that they are less about visualisation images and are more article-focused, so includes discussion, discourse, interviews and videos

Poynter | ‘6 lessons academic research tells us about making data visualizations’

BBC | (Possibly only for UK viewing) ‘Colour: The Spectrum of Science’

OpenNews | ‘Disputed Territories’

NPR | ‘Do Visual Stories Make People Care?’

Adventures in Viz | ‘The bit you hate about your job? That’s the good bit’

Gadgette | ‘Interview: Trina Chiasson, data designer and “big dataviz nerd”’

Business Insider | One should always brace oneself whenever a headline begins with ‘Microsoft declares war on…’ especially when what follows is ‘boring PowerPoint presentations’

Vox | ‘Shut up about the y-axis. It shouldn’t always start at zero.’ (Yes, but slightly misses the mark by not clarifying this is only for line charts)

Sat Summit | ‘This is an exploratory overview of current and upcoming sources of data, processing pipelines and data products.’

Wired | ‘Stop calling Google Cardboard’s 360-Degree Videos ‘VR”

Data Remixed | ‘The Backlash Against Data Dogmatism’

Life And Death of Data | As the site name suggests, this long form piece is about ‘The Life and Death of Data’

Techcrunch | ‘The Most Overlooked Aspect Of UX Design Could Be The Most Important’

NKB | ‘The value chain of data in the news industry’

Medium | ‘Why Aren’t There More Leading Women in the Data Visualization Community?’

FiveThirtyEight | ‘Why Bobby Jindal’s Candidacy Failed’

Scientific American | ‘World Population Will Soar Higher Than Predicted’

Learning & Development

These links cover presentations, tutorials, resources, learning opportunities, case-studies, how-tos etc.

Ghostweather | Slide deck from Lynn Cherny titled ‘Design For Interactive Data Visualization’

My Online Training Hub | ‘How to Create a Reverse PivotTable’

Medium | ‘Finding the Right Color Palettes for Data Visualizations’

Sir Viz-a-lot | ‘How To: Hex Tile Maps in Tableau’

Eager Eyes | Robert’s tagged posts for ‘IEEEVis’ which includes the daily round up of coverage of the 2015 event

Harvard | Paper: ‘Beyond Memorability: Visualization Recognition and Recall’

Storybench | Further insights about the paper/research here – ‘Understanding what makes a visualisation memorable’

Perceptual Edge Forum | …and a quite fascinating set of conversations about Stephen’s response to the above research and a broader attack on the ‘Pseudo-science’ of Info Vis research

Maarten Lambrechts | ‘Interactive strip plots for visualizing demographics’

Eager Eyes | Paper: ‘The Connected Scatterplot for Presenting Paired Time Series’

Civil Statistician | ‘Teaching data visualization: approaches and syllabi’

Scientific American | ‘The Science of Visualization’

YRO | ‘Visualising Networks Part 1: A Critique’

EagerEyes | A busy month for research content from Robert! ‘Visualization Research, Part I: Engineering’

Subject News

Includes announcements within the field, brand new sites, new (to me) sites, new books and generally interesting developments.

Blockbuilder | ‘Building Blocks: Quickly create, edit and fork D3.js examples’

Amazon | New book: “Effective Data Visualization: The Right Chart for the Right Data”, by Stephanie Evergreen

Mapbox | ‘Introducing Mapbox studio’

IBM | An overview of the Brunel Visualization language created by IBM


Any other items that may or may not be directly linked to data visualisation but might have a data/technology focus or just seem worthy of sharing

Twitter | ‘Data banana skins’

WSJ | ‘Meanwhile, Near Saturn… 11 Years of Cassini Saturn Photos’

New Balance | ‘New Balance launches first 3D printed running shoe’

Deadspin | ‘Stupid Nike Uniforms Wreaking Havoc On Colorblind NFL Fans’

BBC | ‘Viewpoint: How creativity is helped by failure’

Worry Dream | ‘What can a technologist do about climate change?’

YouTube | ‘This video pokes fun at the speculative creative bidding process in new business pitches’