Here are some of the most relevant, interesting and useful articles I’ve come across during April 2010. I don’t necessarily agree with all the principles, opinions or advice presented in these links but sometimes consuming such information can only help enhance your knowledge on a subject:
Temple of the Seven Golden Camels| Interesting article about some of the principles of effective illustration that should be considered when designing visualisations | Part 1, Part 2
Peltier Tech Blog | Guest post on Jon Peltier’s site by Naomi B Robins commenting on dot plots | Link
Smashing Magazine | An article observing how the fundamental skills and craft of design have started to take a back seat | Link
Information Aesthetics | A series of wonderfully thorough reviews of social visualisation software | Swivel, Many Eyes
Visual Business Intelligence | Stephen Few talks about how ‘doing the unprecendented’ is overrated | Link
Flowing Data | A data visualisation tutorial in Processing | Link
Eager Eyes | Robert’s passionate article about ‘cargo cults’ of visualisation | Link
Juice Analytics | Useful article which goes into detail about the advantages of small multiples in visualisation | Link
Smashing Magazine | Providing five tips for making ideas happen | Link
Eager Eyes | Considering whether chart junk is useful after all? | Link
Seeper | Video promoting Iron Man 2 using architectural projection mapping of AC/DC on to a 900 year old castle (click on first project image) | Link
Juice Analytics | Details the benefits of parallel coordinates | Link
Site Sketch 101 | 5 tips for becoming a better blogger | Link
Information Aesthetics | An illustrated animation focusing on remarkable geometrical and mathematical properties | Link
Flowing Data | Infochimps release a huge amount of Twitter data | Link
Ted Talks | Video of George Whitesides’ Ted2010 talk entitled ‘Toward a science of simplicity’ | Link
Visual Business Intelligence | Stephen Few asks Orcale if they ‘have no shame’ | Link
Information Aesthetics | With echoes of the infamous ‘Chernoff Faces’ work from the 70’s, this article details a project aimed at mapping environmental impact as humanoids | Link
VisWeek 2010 | Details of the VisWeek event in Salt Lake City during October | Link
BBC | How volcano chaos unfolded in graphics | Link
Online Journalism Blog | Data journalism part 4: visualising data | Link
Drawar | The Differences Between Good Designers and Great Designers | Link
Guardian Election 2010 | National carbon calculator: Can you cut UK emissions? | Link
Guardian Election 2010 | The Datablog editor on how number crunchers are driving this election debate | Link
Health Services Journal (from Nov 2009) | An article about demystifying NHS data published in November 2009 in the Health Service Journal (you can subscribe for ‘today’ to access the content) | Link
Ushahidi | Ushahidi allows anyone to gather distributed data via SMS, email or web and visualize it on a map or timeline | Link
VisitMix (from Mar 2009) | The 7 1/2 steps to successful infographics | Link