Best of the visualisation web… July 2018

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from July 2018.

Visualisations & Infographics

Includes static and interactive visualisation examples, infographics and galleries/collections of relevant imagery.

Bloomberg | ‘Here’s How America Uses Its Land’

Not a Single Origin | ‘We used experimental 3D printing techniques to visualise each suburb on their respective chocolate, literally bringing the streets to your taste buds’

National Geographic | ‘200 Years of U.S. Immigration Looks Like the Rings of a Tree’

Reuters | ‘Thailand Cave Rescue: Lucky 13’

The Guardian | ‘NHS at 70: how well do you know the health service?’

Vimeo | ‘The United States of Arms’

New York Times | ‘How Trump’s Trade War Went From 18 Products to 10,000’

Reddit | ‘Street orientation of dutch cities’

Topi Tjukanov | ‘A spot of solitude (places with long distances to nearest buildings)’

New York Times | ‘An Extremely Detailed Map of the 2016 Election’

Washington Post | ‘D.C. United rides a wave
of new soccer stadiums’

Below The Surface | A photographic catalogue timeline of all the objects discovered from archeological excavations of the River Amstel

Slideshare | ‘Cycleviz; A CLEVER°FRANKE design concept’

The Economist | ‘Donald Trump’s attacks on the media may have backfired’

Data Sketches | ‘Figures in the Sky: How cultures across the World have seen their myths and legends in the stars’

Viz Wiz | ‘Financial Times Visual Vocabulary: Tableau Edition’

Flights To Rome | ‘Flights >> Rome: After confirming that all roads lead to Rome, we set out onto a new adventure.’

New York Times | ‘Hear a Mash-up of Every ‘Goooool’ From the World Cup’

Washington Post | ‘Out of 54,868 homicides in 55 cities over the past decade, 50 percent did not result in an arrest.’

Lensdump | ‘Hot Streaks in the Careers of 20,042 Scientists’

Buzzfeed News | ‘How A Booming Population And Climate Change Made California’s Wildfires Worse Than Ever’

New York Times | ‘Nike Says Its $250 Running Shoes Will Make You Run Much Faster. What if That’s Actually True?’

Medium | ‘Plotmypaws : A Dog Visualisation’

Medium | ‘Punctuation in novels’

Mourner | ‘A visualization of road orientations for the current map view’

Tableau Public | ‘Submission for Iron Viz Health & Well-Being – data from one month of my life visually coded, by Ann Jackson.’

The Pudding | ‘What 1.2 million parliamentary speech can teach us about gender representation.’

Stats, Maps n Pix | ‘Visualising Bay Area Commutes with’

Washington Post | ‘One of the World Cup’s
best goals was even crazier than you thought’

The Star | ‘Trump has said 1,340,330 words as president. They’re getting more dishonest, a Star study shows’

M2I Project | ‘Visualization of the frequency of a transport’ [Translated from French]

John Grimwade | ‘Weather graphics’


The emphasis on these items is that they are less about visualisation images and are more article-focused, so includes discussion, discourse, interviews and videos

The Upshot | ‘Political Bubbles and Hidden Diversity: Highlights From a Very Detailed Map of the 2016 Election’

Cartonerd | ‘Cartographic hyperbole’ – a piece in response to the detailed NYT election graphic posted above

Medium | …and ‘Hot Cartography Takes [about the NYT election map] from your friendly neighborhood cartographer’

Twitter | Further discourse about the NYT election map from Jon Schleuss

Data Driven Journalism | ‘9 questions about the World Cup, and how data journalists answered them’

Towards Data Science | ‘W. E. B. Du Bois’ staggering Data Visualizations are as powerful today as they were in 1900’ – amazing 4 piece story about this hugely important figure in the ancestry of data visualisation

o’Reilly | ‘Doing good data science’

Mongabay | ‘Ecuador: Waorani people map their rainforest to save it’

Twitter | Interesting snippet about a view held by some in the scientist community about data being massaged by designers

Medium | ‘FastCharts — Changing the FT Newsroom, One Tool at a Time’

LinkedIn | ‘In the pursuit of diversity in data visualization. Jittering data to access details.’

The Guardian | ‘Our job as scientists is to find the truth. But we must also be storytellers’

Medium | …’Scientific storytelling as a marketing discourse (response to piece above)’

Michael Babwahsingh | ‘Searching for an Info Design Community’

Maarten Lambrechts | ‘The Herds of Europe’

Storybench | ‘The New York Times’ Graham Roberts on why augmented reality is suited for hard news’

The Guardian | ‘Who owns the space under cities? The attempt to map the earth beneath us’

Learning & Development

These links cover presentations, tutorials, academic papers, development opportunities, case-studies, how-tos etc.

Datawrapper | ‘An alternative to pink & blue: Colors for gender data’

Datawrapper | …and ‘Your Friendly Guide to Colors in Data Visualisation’

YouTube | A treasure trove of videos from the 2018 OpenVis Conference, every single one is a gem

GitHub | Paper: ‘Regional population structures at a glance’ by I. Kashnitsky and J. Schöley

University of Konstanz | Paper: ‘Asymmetric Relations in Longitudinal Social Networks’, by Ulrik Brandes and Bobo Nick

GitHub | ‘A curated list of data visualizations research papers, books, blog posts, and other readings’

National Geographic | ‘How We Built London Entirely From Paper (Behind the Scenes)’

National Geographic | ‘The Top 25 Teams in World Cup History’

Frontend Charts | ‘News and tutorials on charts for the web.’

Better Figures | ‘Playing “Hunt the Discontinuity”‘

USC Annenberg | Paper: ‘Poor Information: How Economics Affects the Information Lives of Low-Income Individuals’ by James T Hamilton and Fiona Morgan

Flowing Data | ‘Visualizing Patterns on Repeat’

Medium | ‘Why humans love pie charts: An historical and evolutionary perspective’

Subject News

Includes announcements within the field, brand new/new-to-me sites, new books and generally interesting developments.

CRC Press | New Book: ‘Data Visualization: Charts, Maps, and Interactive Graphics’ by Robert Grant

Data to Viz | ‘From Data to Viz leads you to the most appropriate graph for your data. It links to the code to build it and lists common caveats you should avoid.’

Google | ‘Making it easier to discover data in Search’

Northern Data Lab | ‘Introducing PrivacyForge: Supporting trustworthy use of personal data’

Sense | ‘New Book on Info Design + Research!’


Any other items that may or may not be directly linked to data visualisation but might have a data/technology focus or just seem worthy of sharing

Twitter | ‘Luciano Jacob, the Brazilian designer who has created a font inspired by the falls of Neymar Jr’

The Guardian | ‘Bands FC: where music and football badges collide’

BBC | ‘What to take to a festival: Friends, drink… and a giant bar chart’

Twitter | ‘I saw this diagram in a dream and felt a need to introduce it to the waking world’

BBC | ‘Hidden landscapes the heatwave is revealing’

Kickstarter | ‘Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game’

Rainworks | Street art that only appears when it rains

Soundcite | ‘Soundcite: Seamless inline audio.’

BBC | ‘Tactile paving: A visually impaired person’s guide to the streets’

The Guardian | ‘Tate recommends ‘slow looking’ at major Pierre Bonnard exhibition’