At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from February 2016.
Includes static and interactive visualisation examples, infographics and galleries/collections of relevant imagery.
Benitez_Vogel | ’50 3D printed data sculptures made from game data from each of the 50 Professional Football Championship Games (1967 – 2016)’
Polygraph | ‘Crowdsourcing the Definition of “Punk”‘
Explorable Explanations | ‘Explorable Explanations is… a totally unorganized “movement” of artists, programmers, and educators who make things & tools for active learning.’
Nesta | ‘A Top 30 skills chart’
Jill Pelto Art | Collection of artistic portrayals from Jill that portray scientific data
Washington Post | ‘How the economy is doing this month’
Dinfografia | ‘5 great data visualisation pieces from outside the newsroom’
Road to Larissa | ‘Minute by Minute Point Differentials of 2015 NBA Games’
Washington Post | State-by-State caucus election results
YouTube | ‘Network Earth: The world is a complicated place… How can we ever hope to understand and predict the complexity of our mulit-networked world? New research may have the answer.’
Crime in Mexico | Up-to-date crime information from Mexico (as you might have gathered)
Mode Analytics | ‘Do Brand Colors Translate to Instagram?’
New York Times | ‘Gravitational Waves Detected, Confirming Einstein’s Theory’
Subspotting | ‘The Subspotting project captures, maps and visualizes the available cell phone reception in the entire New York City Subway’
Multiviz | ‘Informative Scales Corpus: A collection of Informative Scales found on the internet and classified into a corpus.’
Economics & Statistics Administration | ‘Visualizing Atmospheric Rivers’
Medium | ‘What Does Data Sound Like?’
New York Times | An interesting blend of words and visuals in this brief history of the Super Bowl
Information is Beautiful | ‘Based on a True True Story? Scene-by-scene breakdown of Hollywood films’
ODI | ‘Britain’s diet in data’
Table Top Whale | ‘Here there be robots: A medieval map of Mars’
New York Times | ‘How Much Warmer Was Your City in 2015?’
Guardian | ‘Who’s winning? Find out how your income compares with every other generation’
Information is Beautiful | ‘The Hollywood In$ider: Visualization explorer for every major film 2008-2015’
FT | ‘Global trade: structural shifts’
iVisualize | ‘Learning Kanji with Tableau’
Flowing Data | ‘Million to One Shot, Doc. All the things that get stuck.’
Truth & Beauty | ‘Open Systems Wall Display: Visualising network security situations in real time’
New York Times | ‘The Cold Hard Math of How Trump Can Win, and How Rubio Can Stop Him’
Vox | ‘The NFL’s virtual first-down line, explained’
FiveThirtyEight | ‘The Race To The Oscars’
krisztinaszucs | ‘Find out how best picture nomination affects the profit (1982-2015)’
Vox | ‘Today’s teens _ _ _ _ _ less than you did’
SCMP | ‘What color is Oscar?’
Al Jazeera | ‘Where would 10.8 million displaced Syrians fit?’
New York Times | ‘Supreme Court Nominees Considered in Election Years Are Usually Confirmed’
FT | ‘The FT’s one-stop overview of key economic data, including GDP, inflation, unemployment, the major business surveys, the public finances and house prices’
Interactive Things | ‘Galaxy of Covers’
Massvis | ‘MASSVIS consists of over 5000 static visualizations of which over 2000 contain visualization type information, and hundreds of these visualizations have extensive annotations, memorability scores, eye-movements, and labels’
The emphasis on these items is that they are less about visualisation images and are more article-focused, so includes discussion, discourse, interviews and videos
HBR | ‘How to Make Extreme Numbers Resonate’
SA Visual | ‘Data Visualization Advice for Scientists’
Our Origins | Nice interview with Allison McCann, Visual Journalist at FiveThirtyEight
Junk Charts | ‘Showing three dimensions using a ternary plot’
Signal vs. Noise | ‘Data scientists mostly just do arithmetic and that’s a good thing’
PolicyViz | ‘Disclosure Rules for the Data Visualization Community’
Medium | ‘How that map you saw on FiveThirtyEight silences minorities, and other reasons to consider a cartogram.’
Virostatiq | Description of the project that won the ‘Malofiej24 Award 2016 for Best Map in printed media’
Evergreen Data | ‘Scratch-Off Graphs’ – really nice idea!
Medium | ‘Some things I learned about data-driven storytelling in Schloss Dagstuhl’
Hi.Stamen | ‘Visualizing the Past, Building Tools for the Future: Designing an Interactive Atlas of American History’
Medium | ‘What Makes Software Good?’
Learning & Development
These links cover presentations, tutorials, resources, learning opportunities, case-studies, how-tos etc.
Slack | The ‘Stories With Data’ slack community
Udacity | Free course: ‘Data Visualization and D3.js: Communicating with Data’
Data Basic | ‘DataBasic is a suite of easy-to-use web tools for beginners that introduce concepts of working with data.’
Ann K. Emery | ‘Will you present the data as-is, or tell a story?’
Tableau | ‘How to Use Custom Shapes as Filters on Your Dashboard’
Medium | ‘Introducing Vega-Lite’
By Data Be Driven | ‘Measuring Daily Word Count To Write A Novel’
PAldous | ‘Network analysis with Gephi’
Twitter | ‘Rules for visual storytelling (2016 edition), by @archietse at #malofiej24’
Lena Groeger | Lena’s typically great presentation slides from her talk at Malofiej 24 – ‘Seeing the Error of Your Ways’
Ted | ‘Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great story’
Aviz | ‘What are graph comics?’
Subject News
Includes announcements within the field, brand new sites, new (to me) sites, new books and generally interesting developments.
ABC Interactives | New Site (to me): ‘Updates from the ABC News Interactive Digital Storytelling team.’
Amazon | New Book: ‘Data at Work: Best practices for creating effective charts and information graphics in Microsoft Excel (Voices That Matter)’ by Jorge Camoes
Flowing Data | ‘The Daily Mail Stole My Visualization, Twice’. Vile cretins.
Malofiej | The full list of award winners at the prestigious 24th Malofiej event
Randal Olson | ‘Revisiting the vaccine visualizations’
Medium | ‘Searching for examples Announcing’
Amazon | New Book ‘Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends’, by Martin Lindstrom
The Graphical Web | Announcing the 2016 event taking place 1st to 4th November 2016 at the Met Office in Exeter (UK)
Any other items that may or may not be directly linked to data visualisation but might have a data/technology focus or just seem worthy of sharing
Fonts in Use | ‘An independent archive of typography.’
Slate | ‘NASA Releases Gorgeous Retrofuturistic Space Travel Posters’
Bentley University | ‘2016: Year of the ‘Hybrid Job”
PBS | ‘Why Children Still Need to Read (and Draw) Maps’
One Perfect Shot | ‘The last thing you see: The impact of films’ final frames
Business Insider | ’20 cognitive biases that screw up your decisions’
Fortune | ‘Days of Counting Pageviews and Unique Visitors Are Over’
Vox | ‘It’s not you. Bad doors are everywhere.’
Viki | ‘Wikipedia, better than ever—on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. Discover the world and enjoy beautiful typography with this sleek app.’
Microinteractions | ‘The origins of famous microinteractions’
Twitter | ‘data viz on data viz. yep I’m watching you’
lexiconjure | ‘Dictionary of Invented Words & Definitions’
Twitter | ‘Just your average friday in the vizzuality office’