(Another) Explore Explain Live Webinar!

On Monday 27th January I will be hosting a live webinar featuring a panel of brilliant guests discussing data viz freelancing. This event is will run for around 60 minutes and will be open to a live audience. The webinar will be recorded and published as an audio and video episode to open up the sixth season of my Explore Explain series. 

This webinar will be open to join from 2pm (GMT) with the conversation commencing about 5 minutes later to give time for all the panellists to get in place as well as the audience to join.

As there are attendance limits on this Zoom webinar, to attend please visit this Eventbrite page to register for free.

In my experience, non-freelancers are always quite intrigued by what freelancers do. Similarly, freelancers are always intrigued by what other freelancers do. In this conversation we’ll try to satisfy both dimensions of interest!

Across the episode we’ll look to extract as much helpful advice on the pleasures and pitfalls of working professionally in this way. The panellists have been hand-picked to offer their valuable insights about their experiences, motivations, and advice from working as a freelancer in the data visualisation field. Collectively the panel represents a range of long-term experienced through to new freelancers, from ‘pure’ data viz through to the more artistic edges of this practice, and all are going to be excellent contributors:

The webinar is intended to run for 60 minutes but space has been accommodated for a slight run-over a few mins. The banner image includes some equivalent times across a sample few timezones. For those people interested in this topic but unable to be awake or be available for this live session you’ll have access to view or listen to the recording soon after.

The audience will be welcome to constructively participate alongside the discussion by commenting, raising questions and responding to questions about the topics being explored.