Two recent podcast appearances

Over the past couple of months I had the pleasure of appearing on a couple of podcasts: The Cost of Everything and Data + Love. They were both published this week and so I’m happy to share links to the shows.

The Cost of Everything

First up is The Cost of Everything podcast, hosted by Amritpal Agar, for which I was humbled to be appearing as his first video guest! This series is aimed at audiences from cost estimators, through cost analysts, and to project professionals looking to leverage data visualisation in their work.

In this episode we discussed my journey into the world of data vis, its growing importance for companies and individual professionals alike, and the evolution of my approaches to teaching.

You can watch this episode using the embedded player below or over on Amritpal’s dedicated Youtube channel.

Data + Love

It was super to be a guest on Zach Bowder‘s weekly podcast, which offers casual conversations with data pros and artists. Zach pitches this series as the ‘Intersection of Data Analysis and Passion’ and that very much captures the spirit of the topics we covered during the enjoyable hour we spent chatting about inspiration, evolution, and elevated thinking.

Listen to the episode via the embedded player below or through the usual podcast outlets like Spotify or Apple Podcasts.