Best of the visualisation web… November 2017

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from November 2017.

Visualisations & Infographics

Includes static and interactive visualisation examples, infographics and galleries/collections of relevant imagery.

ProPublica | ‘Bombs in Your Backyard’

Gramener | ‘US Senator Voting Patterns’

FlowingData | ‘Constructed Career Paths from Job Switching Data’

Tableau Public | ‘MLB Pitcher Heatmaps’

Spotify | ‘Dataviz: A ‘Joy Plot’ about Joy Division’

NZZ | ‘Ten election promises of Trump in the interim balance’ (Translated)

New York Times | ‘Every Tax Cut and Tax Increase in the House G.O.P. Bill and What It Would Cost’

Slow Journalism | ‘Alan Partridge infographic: Tracking the trials and tribulations of Norwich’s favourite son.’

Datawrapper | ‘Weekly Chart: I’m surrounded by old people’

Interactive Things | ‘Violence Info: Global knowledge platform about violence prevention for the World Health Organization’

Twitter | ‘I analyzed how the 35k followers of @visualisingdata are connected with each other and tried to put labels on the different groups.’

ABC | ‘When will be a good time for the US to act on gun control?’

New York Times | ‘Here’s How Far the World Is From Meeting Its Climate Goals’

Twitter | ‘A look at @pewresearch’s work on US political typologies, highlighting the issues that divide an increasingly polarised electorate ‘

Washington Post | ‘The math of mass shootings in America’

Tableau Public | ‘When Life gets chaotic’

Mapmaker | ‘I’m a geographer, urban planner, and geospatial analyst. I make maps for making better plans, decisions, and places.’

Rain | A fascinating visual arrangement of piece of music from Ukraine, presented by Obiymy Doschu

BBC | ‘Nasa timelapse paints ‘most complete picture of life’ to date’

Guardian | ‘The Vortex: Why we are all to blame for the nightmare of online debate’

Axios | ‘People in highly digitized jobs earn more, report finds’

Washington Post | ‘How Virginia went from Blue to Red and Back Again’

New York Times | ‘The Words Men and Women Use When They Write About Love’

Article 19 | ‘The expression agenda report’

AIDSVu | ‘AIDSVu maps allow users to view HIV alongside social determinants of health, including poverty, median household income and education.’

Guardian | ‘The three-degree world: the cities that will be drowned by global warming’

CNN | ‘There is a wave of Republicans leaving Congress’

John Grimwade | ‘Visual Conceit: Creative visual solutions by Adonis Durado.’

New York Times | ‘Trump Is Rapidly Reshaping the Judiciary. Here’s How.’

Strava | ‘The Global Heatmap, Now 6x Hotter’

Mapbox | ‘Tracing Maria’s Wake’


The emphasis on these items is that they are less about visualisation images and are more article-focused, so includes discussion, discourse, interviews and videos

YouTube | TEDxGlasgow ‘2037 – Who’s leading? Who’s following’

Data Driven Journalism | ‘A data journalist’s microguide to environmental data’

ABC | ‘Australian research ‘has a Daversity problem’: Analysis shows too many men work mostly with other men’

Washington Post | ‘Ancient data, modern math and the hunt for 11 lost cities of the bronze age’

PolicyViz | ‘Choosing Map Bins’

Programming Design Systems | ‘Colour schemes’

Creative Review | ‘Designing graphics for BBC News’

Medium | ‘From Data Visualization to Interactive Data Analysis’

Guardian | ‘Full results of Australia’s vote for same-sex marriage, electorate by electorate – interactive’

Google | ‘Getting hyper-local: Mapping street-level air quality across California’

Storybench | ‘How a design studio and an advocacy group developed a data-driven navigator for gun legislation’

Lisa Charlotte Rost | ‘That Frustrating Thing About Creating Data Vis in Newsrooms’

Medium | ‘Picturing the Great Migration’

GIJC | ‘Seven Trends in Data Visualization’

Medium | ‘What does data journalism look like today? A 10-step guide’

PolicyViz | ‘Remaking an OECD Stacked Bar Chart’

Learning & Development

These links cover presentations, tutorials, academic papers, development opportunities, case-studies, how-tos etc.

Medium | ‘Behind the scenes: How we came up with our visualizations of Google search interest around the German elections’

Storybench | ‘Data Literacy & Data Visualization for Community Resilience’

FT | ‘Data visualisation mistakes — and how to avoid them’

Stats Maps ‘n Pix | ‘A Land Cover Atlas of the UK’

Visualization Universe | ‘What types of visualization do we search for and why? What tools and books influence our decisions?’

Datawrapper | ‘What Questions to Ask When Creating Charts’

Subject News

Includes announcements within the field, brand new/new-to-me sites, new books and generally interesting developments.

Nieman Lab | ‘“Instagram for data”: Grafiti wants to make it easier to create and share data visualizations on smartphones’

Storytelling With Data | ‘Introducing the SWD podcast’

IIBA | ‘Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2017 – The Winners’

Planet | ‘At Planet, we’ve been pursuing Mission 1: to image the entire Earth’s landmass every day. I couldn’t be more excited to announce that we have achieved our founding mission’

Tableau | ‘Now in beta: Visual data prep with Project Maestro’

Twitter | John Burn-Murdoch wins the ‘Peston’ programme’s ‘Geek of the Week’ award

Small Multiples | Lovely redesigned site exhibiting their great portfolio of work


Any other items that may or may not be directly linked to data visualisation but might have a data/technology focus or just seem worthy of sharing

Bernhard Lang | ‘Aerial views’ (stunning photography from above)

Twitter | ‘#TheDeep of #OurBluePlanet (approx scaled)’

Patreon | eBook: ‘Ecosystem of Fake (Vol. I) Explores the Historical Conditions For Bots to Flourish’

Creative Review | ‘Have you seen our building?’

Medium | ‘How Netflix works: the (hugely simplified) complex stuff that happens every time you hit Play’

BBC | ‘How the BBC News website has changed over the past 20 years’

Cleaning the Glass | ‘How to Get a Job in the NBA’

Colossal | ‘Museum Patrons Accidentally Matching Artworks Photographed by Stefan Draschan’

Twitter | ‘Here is Territory’s new BladeRunner 2049 UI reel featuring our screen graphics work on the film’

Blockbuilder | ‘The whole point of this project is to make it easier for you to make blocks. Blocks are the de-facto way of sharing visualizations and code samples in the d3.js community.’