Best of the visualisation web… July 2017

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from July 2017.

Visualisations & Infographics

Includes static and interactive visualisation examples, infographics and galleries/collections of relevant imagery.

SCMP | ‘Welcome to the South China Morning Post’s collection of infographics made for print. ‘

FT | …And here’s a place for all the FT’s visual journalism

Datavis Club | ‘A small visual exploration of the episodes and guests of the Data Stories podcast’

New York Times | ‘110 NFL Brains – A neuropathologist has examined the brains of 111 N.F.L. players – 110 were found to have C.T.E’

ABC | ‘Census 2016: This is Australia as 100 people’

Tableau | ‘Daylight duration’ (+checkout the rest of Yvan’s excellent gallery of Tableau work)

RP Online | ‘Our life as a commuter’ showing the in- and out-flow of commuters around the cities of Germany

New York Times | ‘Baseball’s Upward Trend Is Leaving Some Players Grounded’ (perfect use-case of a polar chart)

Core77 | ‘Clever Designs for Perpetual Calendars… that all have one glaring design flaw’

dwtkns | Speaking of portfolios, Derek Watkins’ really is something else

Trump in One Word | ‘Describe Donald Trump in one word’, love the map of where words were submitted from

Flowing Data | ‘Divorce and Occupation: Some jobs tend towards higher divorce rates. Some towards lower.’

Hindustan Times | ‘Find the perfect run or walk, anywhere in the world’

The Pudding | ‘Free Willy and Flipper by the Numbers’

SBS | ‘Interactive: How diverse is my suburb?’

New York Times | ‘It’s Not Your Imagination. Summers Are Getting Hotter.’

Ito World | ‘Airspace of the #TourdeFrance!’

FT | ‘London’s ‘regeneration’: the backdrop to Grenfell rage’ (featuring swarm plot action)

Penalty | ‘An Alternatve to Radars for Visualisng Football Data’ (featuring yet more swarm plot action)

YouTube | ‘Off the Staff: An experiment in visualizing notes from music scores.’ by Nicholas Rougeux

Washington Post | ‘Here’s what we know so far about Team Trump’s ties to Russian interests’

Vimeo | ‘Red Bull at Night x ByBORRE: The Sixth Sense – Case movie’ by Clever Franke

Twitter | ‘A Voronoi diagram of people enjoying the sun in Bryant Park.’

Earth Observatory | ‘Sea Level Rise Hits Home at NASA: Watching Waters Rise Right Outside the Front Door’

Morgenpost | ‘In the West Antarctic, a gigantic iceberg has broken down from the ice shelf… Move it on the map and transfer the dimensions to your area.’

Xocas | and here’s another similar piece ‘How big is the iceberg?’

Tableau | ‘Does your MP represent your views?’

Washington Post | ‘Why so many NHL and NBA teams have won back-to-back championships’

Flowing Data | ‘Summary Statistics Tell You Little About the Big Picture’

ProPublica | ‘The Immigration Effect: There’s a Way for President Trump to Boost the Economy by Four Percent, But He Probably Won’t Like It.’

The Upshot | ‘The Word Choices That Explain Why Jane Austen Endures’

Washington Post | ‘Here’s every total solar eclipse happening in your lifetime’

FiveThirtyEight | ‘Two Minutes Of Darkness With 20,000 Strangers’

New York Times | ‘Two Weeks on Ice in McMurdo Station, Antarctica’

Via Velox | ‘Visualizing GPS-tracked bike rides to better understand cycling behaviour’

Webkid | ‘Visualization of data along public transportation lines in Berlin’

Stamen | ‘Visualizing infant vaccination rates for the World Health Organization’

Quartz | ‘Watch this extorted money get lost in the expanse of the blockchain’

SB Nation | Don’t quite know how to describe it, just experience it


The emphasis on these items is that they are less about visualisation images and are more article-focused, so includes discussion, discourse, interviews and videos

Medium | ‘Explaining the Gap: Visualizing One’s Predictions Improves Recall and Comprehension of Data’

Tin Lizzie | ‘Exploring Histograms, an essay by Aran Lunzer and Amelia McNamar’

Facets | ‘Know your data: Better data leads to better models.’

Medium | ‘Here’s what I learned from writing, coding and designing my own longform data-driven feature story’

Eager Eyes | ‘Joy Plots’

Questions in Data Viz | ‘Where is the joy?’ – more about Joy Plots, so hot right now

Intuity | ‘Lab Talk with Prof. Dr. Till Nagel: Meandering along the way’

CJR | ‘Q&A: ProPublica’s Lena Groeger on data visualization and writing about design’

DC Rainmaker | ‘Tour de France Behind the Scenes: How Dimension Data Rider Live Tracking Works’

Clearly and Simply | ‘Variations of Alternative Bullet Graphs in Excel’

Hackernoon | ‘You Say Data, I Say System’

Learning & Development

These links cover presentations, tutorials, academic papers, development opportunities, case-studies, how-tos etc.

VizWiz | ‘A New Way to Visualize an Income Statement’

Data Camp | ‘DataCamp for the classroom, a new free plan for Academics.’

GIJN | ‘How To Create a Data Journalism Team’

TEDEd | ‘How to spot a misleading graph’, TEDEd talk by Lea Gaslowitz

Flowing Data | …and on the same note ‘How to Spot Visualization Lies’

Slides | ‘Interactive Maps created with d3.js’, presentation by Lucia Kocincova

Skillshare | ‘Programming Data Visualizations: A Coding Toolkit for Processing by Nicholas Felton’

Pixelmap | ‘Pixel Map Generator’

PythonPlot | ‘Python Plotting for Exploratory Data Analysis’

Google Drive | ‘R-Studio Tutorials’

Interaction Design Foundation | ‘Online UX design courses by experts. At a low, nonprofit-level fee.’

Subject News

Includes announcements within the field, brand new/new-to-me sites, new books and generally interesting developments.

Amazon | New Book: ‘Data Visualization for Success: Interviews with 40 Experienced Designers’, by Steven Braun

John Grimwade | Profiling ‘InGraphics’ issue ten

The Noun Project | ‘Add icons without leaving your workflow’ – integration with office applications


Any other items that may or may not be directly linked to data visualisation but might have a data/technology focus or just seem worthy of sharing

Library Innovation Lab | ‘A Million Squandered: The “Million Dollar Homepage” as a Decaying Digital Artifact’

Comedy Central | ‘British Chainstores You Never Noticed In Sci-Fi Classics’

Wired | ‘Google Glass 2.0 is a startling second act’

Twitter | ‘This [a missing map] is ridiculous’

Livecodelab | ‘Livecodelab is a special secret place where you can make fancy “on-the-fly” 3d visuals and play awesomely offbeat (literally) sounds.’

Twitter | ‘Behold: The depecheplot #dataviz!’

hwkn | ‘New(er) York’

Medium | ‘On my second birthday we landed on the moon: A fifty year retrospective of trying to live with all of you on this goddamn planet.’

Ncase | ‘The evolution of trust’

Boredpanda | ‘This Cambodian Artist Is Taking Doodling To Another Level’

Time | ‘Quiz: See How Well You Can Draw All 50 States’

Behance | ‘Illustrations for Bird Handbook, a leaflet introducing birds of Tokyo.’