As I have mentioned several times before, my post strategy for this blog aims to minimise lazy repackaging and regurgitating of posts from other sites. It gets very boring when you end up reading about the same article several times across different sites and so I don’t want to add to this.
However, sometimes there are posts from other sites that are really interesting (at least to me) and may be of interest to visitors here. Therefore, each month I’m going to compile a single post which contains links to such items that I have been published or I have encountered during the previous month. It will also allow me to be a little bit more flexible with the subject matter boundaries I normally tend to stay within.
To start with, given it was the month I launched this site, I’m going to list my key links for February:
Smashing Magazine | Three-part series of articles talking about colour theory | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Smashing Magazine | Two-part series looking at enhancing user experience through storytelling | Part 1, Part 2
Smashing Magazine | Applying mathematics to web design | Link
Eager Eyes | Discussion about the future of browser-based visualisation | Link
Ted Talks | Video of Jamie Oliver’s well-received anti-obesity talk | Link
Junk Charts | The art and science of chart selection | Link
Flowing Data | Review of the book ‘The Wall Street Journal Guide to Information Graphics’ | Link
Visual Business Intelligence | Detailed critique of the book ‘The Wall Street Journal Guide to Information Graphics’ | Link
Eager Eyes | Review of Tableau Public | Link
Ted Talks | Video of Temple Grandin sharing her ability to ‘think in pictures’ | Link
Ted Talks| Video of Pawan Sinha on how brains learn to see | Link
McKinsey Quarterly (from Jan 09) | Fascinating interview with Google Chief Economist about the future of web technology and innovation, and the next decade’s “sexy job“… | Link
Don Norman’s JND (from Dec 09) | Don Norman’s critical article about design research in relation to innovative breakthroughs | Link
History Shots | Information graphics telling stories about historical events and periods | Link
Flowing Data (from Jan 10) | How to make a heat map | Link
Smashing Magazine | A useful roundup of print design tutorials | Link