Not going to do this all the time, it probably makes for a boring read, but with one month elapsed since this site went live and I published my first post, I thought I’d make some observations…
Its harder work writing posts than I expected, especially when you want to strive for fairly original content rather than replicating what everyone else is posting. Keeping the writing reasonably academic, concise and well-structured is not easy (not claiming to have nailed it with the posts so far yet). Credit to those who churn these things out at such high rates. I’ve published 9 posts in month with about 4 drafts started and yet to complete. I’d ideally aim for around 10-15 per month, but only if I’ve something worth saying.
17 RSS subscribers is far more than I expected at this stage so thanks to all 17 of you (well 16 because 1 is me). The Google bots probably haven’t reached much of the content on here yet and I’ve not set up any GoogleAds type promotion so its very nice to have been found by you all.
Speaking of RSS feeds, there is a problem with the hyperlinks in posts when clicked from within RSS readers which I need to fix.
I’m going to work on more content for the various services I’m offering and also construct a better home page for the site which is more of a portal to the rest of the content within, rather than just leading straight into the blog.
I’m also going to enhance the references and recommended resources pages to give readers as much access as possible to the important knowledge that is out there.
Posts-wise I’m finishing off the reworking of the iPhone in the next couple of days and have a long list of issues I want to cover representing a wide spectrum of topics in or around the subject of information design and data visualisation.
Finally, I need to look into the designing of a logo for the site and my business in general. Some brilliant references out there that I really need to take lessons from.
… as I said I’m not going to do this type of post all the time, its more of a wish list/progress list for my own benefit in all honesty. However, I have read blogs in the past that have documented the process of establishing such sites and I found them useful to understand the decisions, tasks and problems they encountered so others might find similar benefit through reading about my own experiences.